Drink, Drive, Kill: The 3-Minute Confession

What would you do if it were you?  Matthew Cordle knew the answer – record a confession and upload it in YouTube and becauseisaidiwould.com.

He could have said that in the court and plead guilty.  Why nail it with a video – that invites cynical remarks and second-thoughts?  Why upload it for everyone to see and hear?  Because drinking and driving is wrong.

Matthew may not have known it to be true.  Like a lot of licensed drivers out there, he filled himself with excuses: “it’s only a few miles or you’ve only had a few beers.”  And then he collided with Vincent Canzani’s car.

By this time, he realised not just that drinking and driving is wrong, but the fact that its implications are real: “I can’t bring Mr. Canzani back and I can’t erase what I have done.

Pleading guilty mightn’t be enough

A comprehensive report of this confession and Matthew’s story has been posted in The Columbus Dispatch yesterday.  Interestingly, he wasn’t alone in this ordeal.  It was on August 9th, Alex Sheen recounts, that this guy named Matthew “sent a message to our Facebook page asking for my help.”

Believing in the value of Matthew’s message, the founder of the becauseisaidiwould website chose to post his 3-minute video. As of this writing, that particular page garnered 10 responses, some of which promised to share the video.  An interesting suggestion via a Columbus Dispatch commenter also popped out, suggesting the use of the video as a “warning film” before parties and other gatherings (ie, involving alcohol) actually commence.

In sum, almost everyone who has seen Matthew’s video is more than willing to help.  In fact, it even prompted others to come forward and share their own drunk-and-driving stories.  The best thing, of course, is that everyone – yes, everyone – thinks or admits that drinking and driving is wrong.

Based in the reactions of the online community, perhaps, Matthew’s objective for showing his confession to everyone has been met.   Some people are made aware and some seem to accept it wholeheartedly.  Now, it’s time for everyone to really walk the talk.

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Prospect Solution provides freelance writing jobs for academics and professionals who wish to earn well while still maintaining their work-life balance.

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