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Month: September, 2013

Who’s Favourite Burger?

Food writer, Cheryl Lu-Lien Tan, attempted to remake Ernest Hemingway’s burger.  This is by no means difficult; thanks to Hemingway’s detailed note about the recipe and its safekeeping, the food writer was able to bring it back.

Here’s an excerpt:


          1 lb. ground lean beef

          2 cloves, minced garlic

          2 little green onions, finely chopped

          1 heaping teaspoon, India relish

          2 tablespoons, capers

          1 heaping teaspoon, Spice Islands sage

          Spice Islands Beau Monde Seasoning – ½ teaspoon

          Spice Islands Mei Yen Powder – ½ teaspoon

          1 egg, beaten in a cup with a fork

          About 1/3 cup dry red or white wine

          1 tablespoon cooking oil

The only drawback had been the Mei Yen Powder of which was appropriated by a recipe of salt, sugar and MSG.  All in all, the remake was a success.

Now, what to make of it?

What do people learn of this seemingly mundane aspect of Hemingway… burgers?  Perhaps, it’s not just about the burger.  It could be about the fact that he took notice of even the tiniest bit of detail.

In his dealings with the people who prepared the food for him, or with the meticulous share he had on putting up a reminder of how it got to be served, that sort of thing provides an insight in this mister’s mind.

2 little green onions, finely chopped

The main key rests in detail.  Ernest Hemingway proves to be the kind who doesn’t let the mundane goings in life to pass him by – without his intervention, or note-taking.  He’s observant.  And is proud at collecting the obvious; perhaps, he’s a connoisseur of beauty in ordinary things.

Perhaps, this is as far as one may choose to speculate, using his hamburger recipe.  The rest could be gleamed right at the biographies section.  For those of you who want their fix of burger – that wanting coinciding with curiosity about Hemingway’s burger recipe – follow through the complete instructions found in Mike Springer’s piece or that of the food writer’s.

Perhaps, now is the time to judge if Hemingway’s favourite could become yours, too.  It could just be the right companion for reading his A Moveable Feast.

About the Author

Prospect Solution provides business writing job for academics and professionals who wish to earn well while still maintaining their work-life balance.


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Drink, Drive, Kill: The 3-Minute Confession

What would you do if it were you?  Matthew Cordle knew the answer – record a confession and upload it in YouTube and

He could have said that in the court and plead guilty.  Why nail it with a video – that invites cynical remarks and second-thoughts?  Why upload it for everyone to see and hear?  Because drinking and driving is wrong.

Matthew may not have known it to be true.  Like a lot of licensed drivers out there, he filled himself with excuses: “it’s only a few miles or you’ve only had a few beers.”  And then he collided with Vincent Canzani’s car.

By this time, he realised not just that drinking and driving is wrong, but the fact that its implications are real: “I can’t bring Mr. Canzani back and I can’t erase what I have done.

Pleading guilty mightn’t be enough

A comprehensive report of this confession and Matthew’s story has been posted in The Columbus Dispatch yesterday.  Interestingly, he wasn’t alone in this ordeal.  It was on August 9th, Alex Sheen recounts, that this guy named Matthew “sent a message to our Facebook page asking for my help.”

Believing in the value of Matthew’s message, the founder of the becauseisaidiwould website chose to post his 3-minute video. As of this writing, that particular page garnered 10 responses, some of which promised to share the video.  An interesting suggestion via a Columbus Dispatch commenter also popped out, suggesting the use of the video as a “warning film” before parties and other gatherings (ie, involving alcohol) actually commence.

In sum, almost everyone who has seen Matthew’s video is more than willing to help.  In fact, it even prompted others to come forward and share their own drunk-and-driving stories.  The best thing, of course, is that everyone – yes, everyone – thinks or admits that drinking and driving is wrong.

Based in the reactions of the online community, perhaps, Matthew’s objective for showing his confession to everyone has been met.   Some people are made aware and some seem to accept it wholeheartedly.  Now, it’s time for everyone to really walk the talk.

About the Author

Prospect Solution provides freelance writing jobs for academics and professionals who wish to earn well while still maintaining their work-life balance.

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It’s Payback Time for Telemaketers

Innovation doesn’t only make life easier; it can make cash, too.  Such is the case for Lee Beaumont, whose plight involved the heavy intrusion of cold calling telemarketers.

Okay, so it’s not exactly the first time.  Last year in particular, Richard Herman of Middlesex had waged war against a particular cold caller by taking it to the small claims court.  At the end of his tale, Richard was paid £195 and £25 for his time, electricity, and court costs.  In other words, he even ‘earned’ cash.

This year provides an interesting twist for this payback scenario.  Lee made this tweak to “want cold calls” instead of having to hate them:

Using a service called PhonepayPlus, Beaumont charges incoming callers 10 pence to connect and additional charges for the longer he stays on the line.

Outwitting a number of telemarketers, Lee was able to beat Richard Herman’s figures (£300).  The service provider, on the other hand, advised against the use of its service for such purpose, as it may hold them liable for breaches.

In Lee’s defence, he makes the charges clear to these telemarketers.  Furthermore, it is in this telemarketer’s persistence that the line gets through and charges accrue.

More anti-cold call ideas

Perhaps, you want to end your very own cold calling issues.  BBC, for instance, provides four steps to get ahead of these telemarketers:

  1. 1.   Let them know they’re not welcome
  2. 2.   Check who’s calling
  3. 3.   Put a sign on your door
  4. 4.   Wage war en masse

It would also pay to educate yourself about the electronic communications regulations.  This will ensure that you do know what particular rights of yours are being violated by these incessant telemarketers.

Perhaps, you may avoid from getting things all hustled to court if (a) at first call, you give the telemarketer a hint about your knowledge of the regulations, and (b) at the succeeding call, elaborate your plans of bringing this to court.

At your second warning, start playing at the background the recorded cold calls (just like Richard, you got to have proof).  That’s an extra shiver for the telemarketer.

About the Author

We offer writing jobs for freelance technical writing job who possess the necessary academic knowledge and skills for a mostly academic customer base in the UK.

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